Reason of Fast Running of Electronic Meters and its Rectification
Old conventional electro-mechnical meters were having only one measuring current coil which is in phase circuit. Metered energy / billed energy through the meters are based on phase current. Such meters are sluggish in nature & consumers are easily fiddling with the meters to register less consumption and reduced billing. Utilities were facing huge commercial loss due to theft of electricity. So utilities are opting to replace the conventional meters with electronic meters.
Single phase electronic meters are having two current coils, one in phase and second neutral circuit. Metered energy / billed energy is based on highest current of the two current coils. When wiring of the house is neat & clean, the current flow in phase & neutral circuit are same. But when the wiring of the house are not proper i.e. mesh, there is every chance that current in one of the measuring coil is more and energy metered / energy billed through the meters is more that the actual consumption.
If the neutral circuit of your neighboring house/flat is mixed with your neutral circuit, there is every chance that the neutral current of neighboring house/flat will flow through the neutral current coil of your energy meter. This will increase the current flow in the neutral current coil of your energy meter and consequently the metered energy of your energy meter will increase significantly resulting high billing of electricity.

For neighbor:
Current is pahse coil = I1
Current in neutral coil = I2
Maximum of the two currents = I1
Metered energy / billed energy will be based on current of I1. So neighbor will be billed correctly.
For Your House:
Current in phase coil = I1
Current in neutral coil = I1+I2
Maximum of the two current = I1+I2
So Metered / billed energy of your house will be base on current of I1+I2. So your electricity bill of your house will be more. (Your consumption + Neighbor's consumption) and you will have to pay more without your fault. Fault may be in the wiring of neighbour.
How to check:Remove the fuse of phase circuit of your energy meter keeping fuse of neutral circuit intact.
Check the energy meter, if still running, it may be concluded that neutral circuit of your neighboring house/flat is mixed with your neutral circuit.
Fault Rectification:Call the qualified electrician and isolate your neutral circuit from neutral circuit of your neighboring house/flat. Repeat the above check and ensure that energy meter is not running if fuse of phase circuit is out.
Similarly, when neutral circuit of your house is not connected with neutral of the electronic meter the meter will calculated billed energy based on normative voltage i.e. 250 V. During that period if the phase voltage is 220 V, your billing will be 250/220 times more i.e. 14% more than actual consumption.